Leidens Ontzet 2022 – Cancelled

When: Cancelled Event due to lack of bookings

Doors open 11am, Lunch start at 12 pm
Where: Dutch Club NAQ

In honour of the liberation of Leiden on October 3rd, 1574, the day itself was declared an official city holiday in 1886.
It is now celebrated with a variety of activities and events that take place in the days leading up to October 3rd.
The traditional meal associated with the festival is hutspot and herring with white bread (haring en wittebrood)

Het Beleg van Leiden was de belegering van Leiden door het Spaanse leger tijdens de eerste fase van de Tachtigjarige Oorlog, de Nederlandse Opstand.
De belegering vond plaats van 30 oktober 1573 tot 3 oktober 1574, met een onderbreking van twee maanden in het voorjaar van 1574.
Het beleg eindigde met de bevrijding van de stad.
Na het doorsteken van de dijken trok een vloot van gewapende platbodems bemand met geuzen en huurlingen door het water richting de omsingelde stad. In de nacht van 2 op 3 oktober verliet het Spaanse leger de laatste schans bij Leiden.
De dag erop voeren de geuzen met bootjes de stad binnen en deelden ze voedsel uit aan de hongerige bevolking.

Ter herdenking van de belegering en het ontzet.

Translation to English: The Siege of Leiden was the siege of Leiden by the Spanish army during the first phase of the Eighty Years’ War, the Dutch Revolt.
The siege took place from October 30, 1573 to October 3, 1574, with a two-month hiatus in the spring of 1574.
The siege ended with the liberation of the city.
After breaching the dikes, a fleet of armed flat-bottomed boats manned with beggars and mercenaries moved through the water towards the encircled city. In the night of 2 to 3 October, the Spanish army left the last redoubt at Leiden.
The next day the beggars sailed into the city in boats and distributed food to the hungry population.

Commemorating the Siege and the Relief.

As is traditional, we have white bread with haring or hutspot.

Credit Source: Leidens Ontzet


Members:  $7.50
Non Members: $10.00

Bookings Essential **
Bookings must be made by 28th September 2022 

Dutch Club NAQ
123 Pine Road
Richlands Qld 4077

Transport: Ample Parking available and close to Railway Station Richlands

Ph: 07 3271 5662 
Bookings by Email directly to the secretary or use our contact page

** Please do not arrive without a booking. We cannot cater for people who just turn up.