Dutch Club Richlands Bingo

Every 1st Thursday of the month we meet at the NAQ for a morning of Friendship and Fun from about 9:30 am for a 10:00 am start. 

The shop ‘Het Winkeltje ’ is open, we have morning tea, the ladies play Bingo, while the men get together discussing all sorts of subjects. 

A Dutch lunch will be served with a choice menu followed by a raffle. 

After lunch we play board games, Rummy cup or Scrabble, the bar is open. 

For more info or to cancel phone Lucy Bertens on 07 3345 5709

If you have a cold or flu symptoms please don’t attend, 

Stay home, rest and take care of yourself! 

You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing ‘ 

Lunch Menu:

Broodje Kroket,
Broodje Haring,
Broodje Kaas,
Broodje Rookworst,
Hot Chips