When: Sunday 8th September 2024
Doors Open: 12 noon
Kitchen is open for lunch until 1:15 pm – Shop closes at 1:30 pm
AGM Starts: 2:00 pm
There will be a half hour break during the meeting with complimentary Koffie en Gebak (Coffee and cake) during this time.
Want to Vote? You must be a current member* on the day of the meeting.
*Current members are members who as at 31st August, have paid for the 2025 financial year. (01-07-2024 to 30-06-2025)
If you are not a current member – membership forms can be found at the shop or online
If you would like to stand for a position on the Committee, please register your interest as the Nominations must be in by 25-08-2024
To be eligible to become a member you must be a financial member for at least 6 months prior to the AGM
Dutch Club NAQ
123 Pine Road
Richlands Qld 4077
Proxy Voting for members who cannot attend.
Please use the proxy form by clicking the button below or request from the the secretary or at the club.
Forms must be returned by COB 25th August 2024.
Phone: (07) 3271 5662
Email: dutchclubbrisbane@gmail.com
Dutch Club NAQ
Annual General Meeting 2023